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best stationary bikes for seniors

7 Best Stationary Bikes for Seniors

It’s common knowledge that exercise is essential for sound health. And this runs true for all age groups including those in their golden years. But the ugly truth is that seniors have limited options when it comes to exercise, as most activities would leave them with aches in the knees, back, hips or other body … Read more

best garden tools for seniors

7 Best Garden Tools for the Elderly

Gardening as an activity can be enjoyed by everyone – including seniors. Only a few things can be more fulfilling than the experience of planting flowers and other types of plants and nurturing them until they blossom. Gardening has a lot of health benefits for elderly people who find interest in it. It is a … Read more

innovative products for the elderly

7 Innovative Products for the Elderly

Technology has rapidly advanced over the years. There has been a number of innovative inventions in the last couple of decades. The world most elderly people once knew has changed and there is a need for them to adapt to the new world. Some of these innovations increase the living conditions of elderly people. There … Read more

best grab bars for elderly

7 Best Grab Bars for the Elderly

As people grow older, the youthful vigor that they have heavily depended on over the years starts to wane. And their ability to get around with bursting energy significantly diminishes. At this point, they need to start taking extra measures to support their aging bones and protect themselves from all forms of injuries. Statistics from … Read more

Best Fitness & Activity Trackers for Seniors 1

Best Fitness & Activity Trackers for Seniors

If you’re looking for the best fitness and activity trackers for seniors or elderly people, we’ve got you covered. Fitness tracking devices such as wristbands and smartwatches are becoming more and more popular because they’ve been severally proven to be effective in helping people to stay motivated to achieve their health goals. A study by Lisa Cadmus-Bertram of … Read more

5 Tips to Help Seniors Keep Fit 2

5 Tips to Help Seniors Keep Fit

It goes without saying that seniors aren’t as physically active as the younger ones. This is quite understandable because older adults are mostly retired and being out of the active work force is expected to take a hit on physical activity. If you’re a senior and you’re looking to find a way to keep fit, … Read more

Fitness Trackers vs. Pedometers: What are The Differences? 3

Fitness Trackers vs. Pedometers: What are The Differences?

If you’ve been lucky to use both a fitness tracker and pedometer, you should be able to tell the difference. But for those that have used one of the two or neither, you might struggle to figure out the differences. In this post, we have highlighted the major difference between the two devices in order … Read more

fitness tracker for seniors and elderly

How Do Fitness Trackers Calculate Calories Burned?

There are several things a fitness tracker can do and one of its most popular features is its ability to calculate calories burned. Interestingly, the technology employed in producing this function is not known to many users of this device. Understanding how your wearable works in burning your calories is something you should know as … Read more

5 Reasons Seniors Should Use Fitness Trackers 4

5 Reasons Seniors Should Use Fitness Trackers

If you had your way, you’d love to grow old while your body stays younger and without any health issues. But the truth is old age comes with health concerns and the best way to deal with these challenge is to have the right information. One of the things you should know is, using a … Read more

cheap hearing aid alternatives

7 Affordable Hearing Aids for Seniors on Low Income

As we grow older, different health problems tend to become part of a normal life. One of such problems is hearing loss, which is a sudden or gradual reduction in hearing ability. Hearing loss is one of the commonest aging-associated health problems in the United States and the world at large. According to an article published by … Read more