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best electric blankets for elderly

7 Best Electric Blankets for the Elderly

Electric blankets are becoming an increasingly popular home comfort these days, especially for the elderly, as they provide the user with the ability to keep themselves at a comfortable temperature as they sleep or relax. Yes, the electric blanket is certainly an amazing invention, and they only become more innovative as time goes on. With … Read more

best beach chairs for elderly

7 Best Beach Chairs for the Elderly

As a person gets older, their body can also reflect signs of aging. These can include reduced mobility and poor flexibility. When choosing a beach chair for an elderly person, you need to spend extra time and effort researching to make sure they have their perfect fit anywhere they go, and that the chair is … Read more

automatic pill dispenser for elderly

6 Best Automatic Pill Dispensers for Seniors

Due to the multiple health issues that most seniors battle with, they need to take certain medications every day to remain healthy and enjoy good quality life at old age. But the problem with daily use of medications is that there is always a time when you either forget to take them or are not sure … Read more

best toilet rails for seniors

7 Best Toilet Rails for Seniors

When you’re young and free of disabilities, using the toilet requires no more effort than lowering yourself on the toilet bowl and doing your thing. But for seniors, this simple task can be very difficult and time-consuming because their weak bones make it hard for them to just hop on the toilet bowl and stand up easily when … Read more

best recumbent exercise bikes for the elderly

5 Best Recumbent Exercise Bikes for the Elderly

Even in old age, it is very important to engage in regular exercise in order to maintain good health. However, not all exercises are suitable for seniors and elderly people. Only light to moderate fitness activities are recommended for them. This explains why activities involving treadmills, upright bikes, or steppers should be avoided by seniors. … Read more

best low compression golf balls for seniors

7 Best Low Compression Golf Balls for Seniors

There is something about playing golf. The fun you derive from the game generally depends on both your abilities and the pieces of equipment you use. The golf ball you use plays a major role in determining your yardage and trajectory among other things. As a senior player, there’s a high tendency that you don’t hit … Read more

best exercise pedals for elderly

7 Best Exercise Pedals for Elderly People

As a senior citizen, you need to exercise from time to time to keep your joints from becoming stiff. But it sometimes becomes a burden and seems stressful when it involves jogging or going out for a walk, especially during the winter when going out isn’t even an option. At times like these, your best bet is … Read more

best folding shopping cart for seniors

7 Best Folding Shopping Carts for Seniors

As you grow older, the items you used to carry easily in the past start becoming heavy loads. And carrying such loads becomes difficult. Worse, persistently carrying heavy loads may result in back pain and other health effects. The above explains why you need to invest in a good folding shopping cart — preferably one … Read more

best tablets for elderly

7 Best Tablets for The Elderly

Many people think elderly people are being left behind by technology and that they have no idea about tech stuff but that is untrue. Today’s seniors are more tech-savvy than their predecessors and many of them can easily use computers as well as mobile tablets. This perhaps explains the reason why many seniors are becoming … Read more

best portable scooters for seniors

7 Best Portable Scooters for Seniors

Portable scooters, also known as mobility scooters, are becoming very trendy these days, especially among seniors. It’s quite expectable since these mini vehicles help seniors reach their destinations faster without going through the stress of walking or driving. With portable scooters to the rescue, seniors no longer have to feel bad that they’re not as … Read more